The Making of: “Heartbreakers — Love in a Time of Struggle”

Gothic Storm
4 min readSep 28, 2020

With much of the world’s population suffering with the effects and after-effects of Covid-19, whilst simultaneously continuing to strive for true equality via the Black Lives Matter movement, no time seems more poignant to create music focused on the barrier-less force that is Love.

The album “Heartbreakers” features some of our incredible composers tackling the multi-faceted issue of love’s triumph over struggle. Heart-breaking human emotions set against monumental backdrops of hardship.

We wanted to know more about the articulation within music of such a powerful emotion and how real-world issues and experiences can inspire incredible beauty and hope amidst the unprecedented times we live in.

Here’s what our wonderful composers Wan Ying Chan, Andrii Yefymov, Carles Piles, Jessie Yun/Sami J. Laine had to say:

What inspiration do you draw on when writing such emotional music?

WYC: When writing any kind of music, I insist on having a melody that is so emotional it clings on to you. When writing Strangers to Friends, I was imagining the innocent bond of two unlikely people forming and growing over time as they overcome difficulties together.

JY/SJL: Since the track was originally planned for an unreleased film, we took the main story from it as an inspiration. Sami loved books and also watching a lot of movies, and he got some emotional elements from there as well. I (Jessie) am used to imagining shots and images myself, which helped me get more inspired.

AY: My inspiration was based primarily on my own love-related experience in life. I found it quite inspiring re-imagining my past from the perspective of a “movie trailer”. ‘Love will save the world’ has always been my motto in life. “Love” is such a powerful emotion, so it’s always inspiring.

CP: We all have been touched by the sad news everyday lately. ‘Heartbreakers’ has been a perfect opportunity to unleash my contained tears.

How did you feel about writing music related to love and struggle considering recent, worldwide events?

WYC: I think music in a difficult time like this is absolutely necessary. When we are stripped of freedom and socialising, music is one of the arts that transcends through time, boundaries and hardships. Positive, uplifting music may help us get through these hard times.

JY/SJL: We think it’s important to melt more emotions into the track, and we’re glad that it’s able to reach out to the general audience as well as those people who are struggling in these trying times. We, and other composers, hope this album will be a small dose of hope and love to the people.

AY: Recent pandemic events no doubt caused huge emotional impact on everyone, so imagining that music can help someone hope for a better future is great motivation, even if the end of the “movie” is tragic, it almost never lacks love, it’s always here and near..

CP: Somehow, when working on ‘Heartbreakers’ it felt like I was representing the sorrow of all affected people.

How has the pandemic affected your life as a composer?

WYC: Unfortunately life as a composer also means life without much social interaction. So the social aspects of my life have not changed much. Fortunately, there are a lot of kind-hearted music companies that are offering freeware during the pandemic so that is one benefit.

JY/SJL: We also got “corona blues”, but this affected our motivation to continue making tracks. We usually need to be filled with new experiences to get the creative juice going, but sitting around all day? It doesn’t help much. Yes, it gave us more time, but still, it didn’t help a lot.

AY: The biggest and worst impact so far was related to the travel ban. Planned vacations were canceled and never refunded. Also, I’ve faced a drop in job opportunities, but I can’t complain, because money is only money, it can come and go, health and life is all that really matters. So far I can only say “thank you” to the Universe, that myself and my family are safe.

CP: Most media composers can write music from everywhere, so it’s not been a big logistical issue in my case, but it’s mostly the emotional impact that has affected me the most.

Do you have a favourite story (real or fictional) about love overcoming adversity?

WYC: As a Malaysian-Chinese who grew up in a society where love is never spoken but only shown, I have a soft spot for films with the plot of parents sacrificing for their children out of love. One of my favourites has to be Pixar’s Wind.

JY/SJL: As sci-fi lovers, we would definitely pick Interstellar. After all, through the gap of time and space, while the Earth withers away, the father and his daughter were able to emotionally communicate! How amazing is that?!

AY: Not really… I mean, I like to read or watch great stories, but I still much prefer writing my own. My personal love story (when I met my wife) is quite an interesting one, and is still going and developing. It’s the singular and truest source of my inspiration.

“Heartbreakers — Love in a Time of Struggle” is now available on all streaming services.



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